Presentation by GF Machining Solutions GmbH

Advantages of Laser Engraving with Dual Wavelength Femtolaser based on grayscale bitmaps


Laser technologies open a myriad of new engraving possibilities in the minting world. As this technology matures, the quality requirements and expectations increase accordingly. With the new GF Femto FlexipulseTM 40W Infrared-Green Laser source and our best-in-class capabilities on 5-axis machining, we provide cutting-edge engraving possibilities on 3D shapes. Furthermore, by transposing techniques and knowledge acquired in other industrial segments, such as watchmaking, GF Machining Solutions is uniquely positioned to excel at the challenges in the mint industry.

 In this presentation, our technical expert, will present how, by transposing its knowledge acquired in other industrial segments, GF Machining Solutions is uniquely positioned to excel at the challenges in the mint industry. In addition, he will present how, thanks to the use of grayscale bitmap files, engravers can eliminates artefacts on surfaces and create enhanced frosting or dedicated brush patterns.

Speaker: Manuel-Gomez-Marzoa

Manuel Gomez-Marzoa is the Laser Technical Product Manager at GF Machining Solutions since 2020. He also leads special projects and Laser Business Support activities for several European countries. A Mechanical Engineer, Manuel has a broad technical background ranging from thermal engineering to Laser Material Processing.


Laser technologies open a myriad of new engraving possibilities in the minting world. As this technology matures, the quality requirements and expectations increase accordingly. With the new GF Femto FlexipulseTM 40W Infrared-Green Laser source and our best-in-class capabilities on 5-axis machining, we provide cutting-edge engraving possibilities on 3D shapes. Furthermore, by transposing techniques and knowledge acquired in other industrial segments, such as watchmaking, GF Machining Solutions is uniquely positioned to excel at the challenges in the mint industry.

 In this presentation, our technical expert, will present how, by transposing its knowledge acquired in other industrial segments, GF Machining Solutions is uniquely positioned to excel at the challenges in the mint industry. In addition, he will present how, thanks to the use of grayscale bitmap files, engravers can eliminates artefacts on surfaces and create enhanced frosting or dedicated brush patterns.

Speaker: Manuel-Gomez-Marzoa

Manuel Gomez-Marzoa is the Laser Technical Product Manager at GF Machining Solutions since 2020. He also leads special projects and Laser Business Support activities for several European countries. A Mechanical Engineer, Manuel has a broad technical background ranging from thermal engineering to Laser Material Processing.