We at WronskiContato Atelier create designs and 3D-models for coins, medals, gold and silverbares.

Our Atelier is characterised by a comprehensive approach to projects, from ideation and design to 3D-modelling of the final product, including technical documentation.

Projects assigned to our Atelier are always created according to the themes proposed by our clients or ideas developed by us, taking their requirements into account.

We create designs and alternatives within the specification of the theme. This special edition celebrates the 125th anniversary of the invention of the X-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in 1895. The medal has a diameter of 50 mm and a glass inlay with a diameter of 30 mm. Alternating relief and coloured images on the front and the reverse makes this design unique and innovative. We created this modern artwork in 2020 for our valued client, MDM, whose long collaboration we’re very grateful for.

As we have mentioned, one service we offer in our Atelier is creating a design for coins and medals.

This process usually begins with the client’s own specifications, in terms of technical requirements, composition and the subject matter to be represented. These are creatively combined using vectorial elements, reliefs, colors and surface finishes, giving rise to unique and differentiated designs. We are also happy to propose our own ideas and creative solutions without client specifications if that were desired

An innovative product of ours is the virtual 3D model of a motif. It replaces the outdated and fragile plaster model, used in the past. We create a realistic model of a relief in a 3D modelling software. It is transferred digitally and does not have to be shipped, reducing the risk of damage or loss. Mints all around the world are capable of creating a tool from an .OBJ, .STL or other relief file in order to produce the final product. In the images you can see the steps and process of creating a 3D model out of a finished design. The ingot showing the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona was part of an MDM series about famous monuments in Europe.

In 2020 we created a collector’s series of 14 medals about German handcrafts. Each collector’s coin is individual, but also part of a whole. Each craft is graphically represented by its representative tools and elements including recurring elements, in this case the working hands. We also create technical drawings and suggest which parts of the surface should be finished, and how.

Vacations at home is a self-developed project.

In post-pandemic times everyone’s lives have changed, including restrictions on foreign holidays/travel. This has led to more local tourism.

People now go on holidays within their own countries.

In this series of 8 coins we want to value the most beautiful regions visited by Germans in Germany.

The nostalgic design consists of vector elements combined with relief elements, and we decided to add aquarelle in five different tones, as a special detail which completes it with a charming touch. 

We are happy to share,as a small corporate success, that we have started working on the 3D-modelling of coins and medals with a high relief.

The Flower project has a diameter of 46mm and a height of 3mm.

We are very excited about accepting new challenges in which we can develop designs and special height models that differentiate themselves in the marketplace and generate greater impact.

We at WronskiContato Atelier create designs and 3D-models for coins, medals, gold and silverbares.

Our Atelier is characterised by a comprehensive approach to projects, from ideation and design to 3D-modelling of the final product, including technical documentation.

Projects assigned to our Atelier are always created according to the themes proposed by our clients or ideas developed by us, taking their requirements into account.

We create designs and alternatives within the specification of the theme. This special edition celebrates the 125th anniversary of the invention of the X-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in 1895. The medal has a diameter of 50 mm and a glass inlay with a diameter of 30 mm. Alternating relief and coloured images on the front and the reverse makes this design unique and innovative. We created this modern artwork in 2020 for our valued client, MDM, whose long collaboration we’re very grateful for.

As we have mentioned, one service we offer in our Atelier is creating a design for coins and medals.

This process usually begins with the client’s own specifications, in terms of technical requirements, composition and the subject matter to be represented. These are creatively combined using vectorial elements, reliefs, colors and surface finishes, giving rise to unique and differentiated designs. We are also happy to propose our own ideas and creative solutions without client specifications if that were desired

An innovative product of ours is the virtual 3D model of a motif. It replaces the outdated and fragile plaster model, used in the past. We create a realistic model of a relief in a 3D modelling software. It is transferred digitally and does not have to be shipped, reducing the risk of damage or loss. Mints all around the world are capable of creating a tool from an .OBJ, .STL or other relief file in order to produce the final product. In the images you can see the steps and process of creating a 3D model out of a finished design. The ingot showing the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona was part of an MDM series about famous monuments in Europe.

In 2020 we created a collector’s series of 14 medals about German handcrafts. Each collector’s coin is individual, but also part of a whole. Each craft is graphically represented by its representative tools and elements including recurring elements, in this case the working hands. We also create technical drawings and suggest which parts of the surface should be finished, and how.

Vacations at home is a self-developed project.

In post-pandemic times everyone’s lives have changed, including restrictions on foreign holidays/travel. This has led to more local tourism.

People now go on holidays within their own countries.

In this series of 8 coins we want to value the most beautiful regions visited by Germans in Germany.

The nostalgic design consists of vector elements combined with relief elements, and we decided to add aquarelle in five different tones, as a special detail which completes it with a charming touch.

We are happy to share,as a small corporate success, that we have started working on the 3D-modelling of coins and medals with a high relief.

The Flower project has a diameter of 46mm and a height of 3mm.

We are very excited about accepting new challenges in which we can develop designs and special height models that differentiate themselves in the marketplace and generate greater impact.

Barcelona – Spain


+34 644744363

+34 610341935